Billi Minasyan's publications

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Publication: Article

Microwave response phase control of a graphite microstrip
Arsen Babajanyan
Tigran Abrahamyan
Hovhannes Haroyan
Torgom Yezekyan
Kiejin Lee
Barry Friedman
Khachatur Nerkararyan

Vol. 193 pp. 151-156 (2022)



Description: Interaction between a carbon based low-conductivity graphite microstrip, which is an element of a metamaterial, and incident electromagnetic (EM) waves was investigated in the microwave range of frequency (8e12 GHz). The distribution of the magnetic near-field visualized by a non-contact thermoelastic optical indicator microscope, has three localization centers which vary significantly depending on the conductivity of the graphite microstrip. In the case of high resistance, the EM field was mostly localized near the microstrip. With decrease of resistance, new localization zones of EM field were
formed, the intensity of which was constantly increased, and continuously decreased near the microstrip.
Analysis of images resulting from the superposition of incident and scattered waves reveals a significant
increase in the scattered wave phase-shift due to an increase in the conductivity of the graphite
microstrip. A metamaterial consisting of elements with such regulated conductivity can serve as a phasetuning
system for radiation control.

Microwave response phase control of a graphite microstrip
Arsen Babajanyan
Tigran Abrahamyan
Hovhannes Haroyan
Torgom Yezekyan
Kiejin Lee
Barry Friedman
Khachatur Nerkararyan